красное смещение не работает должным образом

Вы можете использовать /dev/urandom для его создания:

end=$( for i in $(seq 1 2); do character=$( tr -dc "0-9A-E" < /dev/urandom | head -c 2); printf ":%s" $character; done); echo "00:0c:29:51"$end
06.05.2021, 17:33
1 ответ

Файл конфигурации пользователя должен находиться в:


Если нет, создайте его или отредактируйте по своему вкусу.

Пример с отредактированным GPS, включая некоторые мои заметки:


; Global settings file for Redshift application.

; Location provider for solar elevation.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set the location-provider: 'geoclue2' or 'manual'.
; The actual provider settings are in a separate section.

; Smooth fade between temperatures when Redshift starts and stops.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 0 causes an immediate change between screen temperatures.
; 1 gradually applies the new screen temperature over a couple of seconds.

; Solar elevation thresholds.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; By default, Redshift will use the current elevation of the sun to determine
; whether it is daytime, night or in transition (dawn / dusk). When the sun is
; above the degrees specified with elevation-high it is considered daytime and
; below elevation-low it is considered night.

; Day and night screen temperatures.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Default temperatures in K (Kelvin):
; Day time   : 6500
; Night time : 4500

; Custom dawn / dusk times.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Instead of using the solar elevation, the time intervals of dawn and dusk can
; be specified manually. The times must be specified as HH:MM in 24-hour format.

; The adjustment method: 'randr', 'vidmode'.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This has changed since the 1.12 version in favor of randr,
; formerly vidmode has mostly been used from what I read.

; Manual GPS of the location for solar elevation.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Standard longitude and latitude coordinates.

; Adjustment method settings.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Note that the numbering starts from 0, so 1 is actually the second screen.
; This actually works for all monitors, needs clarification!

После этого я предлагаю запустить его из вашей оболочки в подробном режиме (-v), чтобы, возможно, отладить проблемы.

28.07.2021, 11:34


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