Низкая скорость передачи через Samba с использованием программного RAID

В системе GNU вы можете сделать что-то вроде:

find. -name '*.md' -print0 |
  gawk -v RS='\0' -F/ -v OFS=/ '
    {filename = $NF; NF--
     if ($(NF)".md" == filename) include[$0]
     else exclude[$0]
    END {for (i in include) if (!(i in exclude)) print i}'
14.09.2021, 13:36
1 ответ


aio read size (S)

If this integer parameter is set to a non-zero value, Samba will read from files
asynchronously when the request size is bigger than this value.
Note that it happens only for non-chained and non-chaining reads and when
not using write cache.

The only reasonable values for this parameter are 0 (no async I/O) and 1 (always do async I/O).

same is said for aio write side

Я рекомендую удалить эти два из вашего smb.conf. Я никогда не использовал эти два в своем smb.conf.

Я получаю скорость чтения/записи 112 МБ/с в течение всего дня по проводной сети 1 Гбит/с на/с ПК с Win10, для справки, вот мой глобальный раздел smb.conf

    workgroup = SAMBA
    security = user

    passdb backend = tdbsam

    printing = bsd
    printcap name = /dev/null
    load printers = no
    disable spoolss = yes
  # cups options = raw

    smb encrypt = required
    client min protocol = SMB3
    client max protocol = SMB3

в RHEL 7 настроенные профили для справки

> tuned-adm list
    Available profiles:
    - atomic-guest                - Optimize virtual guests based on the Atomic variant
    - atomic-host                 - Optimize bare metal systems running the Atomic variant
    - balanced                    - General non-specialized tuned profile
    - cpu-partitioning            - Optimize for CPU partitioning
    - default                     - Legacy default tuned profile
    - desktop                     - Optimize for the desktop use-case
    - desktop-powersave           - Optmize for the desktop use-case with power saving
    - enterprise-storage          - Legacy profile for RHEL6, for RHEL7, please use throughput-performance profile
    - hpc-compute                 - Optimize for HPC compute workloads
    - laptop-ac-powersave         - Optimize for laptop with power savings
    - laptop-battery-powersave    - Optimize laptop profile with more aggressive power saving
    - latency-performance         - Optimize for deterministic performance at the cost of increased power consumption
    - mssql                       - Optimize for MS SQL Server
    - network-latency             - Optimize for deterministic performance at the cost of increased power consumption, focused on low latency network performance
    - network-throughput          - Optimize for streaming network throughput, generally only necessary on older CPUs or 40G+ networks
    - oracle                      - Optimize for Oracle RDBMS
    - powersave                   - Optimize for low power consumption
    - server-powersave            - Optimize for server power savings
    - spindown-disk               - Optimize for power saving by spinning-down rotational disks
    - throughput-performance      - Broadly applicable tuning that provides excellent performance across a variety of common server workloads
    - virtual-guest               - Optimize for running inside a virtual guest
    - virtual-host                - Optimize for running KVM guests
Current active profile: latency-performance
14.09.2021, 14:33


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