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Selinux не полностью поддерживается в Debian Jessie

Руководство по Debian

CAUTION Reference policy not in jessie

Unfortunately the maintainers of the refpolicy source package did not handle release critical bugs on their package and the package got removed from jessie. This means that the selinux-policy-* packages are currently not installable in jessie and need to be fetched from another place. Hopefully they will come back in one of the point releases or in jessie-backports. In the meantime, you can grab them from unstable.

This sad situation at least proves that SELinux is not very popular in the set of users/developers who are running the development versions of Debian. Thus, if you opt to use SELinux, you should expect the default policy to not work perfectly and you will have to invest quite some time to make it suitable to your specific needs.

Пакетselinux-policy-defaultдоступен только для Debian Wheezy, Stretch, Buster и Sid.

21.08.2019, 10:05
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