Logrotate завершает работу с кодом возврата 1 с CodeIgniter 2

Я нашел эту ссылку, которая, кажется, решает проблему. Обратите внимание, что F6 — это код клавиши 72. Решение

01.04.2017, 19:35
1 ответ
a php solution
$dirin the directory to check
$numToKeep - keep the latest X number of files
function cleanUpFiles($dirin,$numToKeep) {
    // 1- get a list of file for the directory

    $f1 = new FilesystemIterator($dirin, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
    gjLog($dirin. " number of files : ". iterator_count($f1),'clean.log');

    $gjcount=0; // start at

    if(iterator_count($f1) < $numToKeep){
        gjLog('Number of Files less than number to keep: '. $numToKeep. ' Nothing to unlink'.PHP_EOL,'clean.log');

    // 2- create an array of files to sort by Modified Time in step 3

    $thefiles = array();
    foreach($f1 as $fileinfo) {
        $akey = $f1->getFileName();
        if((strtolower($akey)) != 'index.html') {
            $thefiles[$akey] = $f1->getMTime();

    // 3- sort the files by date - descending  newest first


    // 4- start at 0, after 10 files delete the rest

    foreach ($thefiles as $key => $value) {
        if($numToKeep < $gjcount){
            $killme = $dirin. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. $key;
            gjLog('unlinking these files: '. $killme,'clean.log');
            if(!unlink($killme)) {
                $err ='unable to unlink '. $killme.PHP_EOL;
                // when in cron job, I check for Fatal in the mail
                echo $err. ' Fatal Error in'. __FILE__. PHP_EOL;

// cleanup application logs

$dirin = '/var/www/html/application/logs';
$numToKeep=30; // total number to keep
28.01.2020, 00:58


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