Удалить дубликаты, но оставить первый экземпляр

Я столкнулся с той же проблемой, пытаясь настроить Alpine на Hyper V. Во время установки я решил выбрать режим sys -.

sys mode

This is a traditional hard-disk install (see link for details). Both the boot system and your modifications are written to the hard disk, in a standard Linux hierarchy.

Note: The setup-alpine script handles installing Alpine in this mode, too, when you supply a writable partition instead of "none", and request mode "sys". By default, it will create three partions on your disk, for /boot, /, and swap; however you can also partition your disk manually.

This mode may be used for desktops, development boxes, and virtual servers.

11.01.2021, 04:37
1 ответ
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} seen[$1]++{$1=""} 1' file
18.03.2021, 22:37


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