Почему операционные системы на базе Linux называются дистрибутивами?

Одним из упрощений было бы устранение ошибочного и медленного цикла оболочки while, который также освободил бы stdinдля использования для interact. То есть вместо этого входной файл будет передан и прочитан кодом TCL в сценарии expect.


if {[llength $argv] != 1} {
    puts stderr "Usage: $0 iplist-file"
    exit 1

set ipfh [open [lindex $argv 0]]

while {[gets $ipfh ip] >= 0} {
    spawn ssh root@$ip dmidecode
    expect "Password:"
    send "Hunter2\r";
11.06.2020, 13:49
1 ответ

Термин, вероятно, происходит от BSD-Berkeley Software Распространение.

BSD stands for “Berkeley Software Distribution”. It is the name of distributions of source code from the University of California, Berkeley, which were originally extensions to AT&T's Research UNIX® operating system.

— 1. What is BSD? from Explaining BSD

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Early Distributions

Meanwhile, interest in the error recovery work in the Pascal compiler brought in requests for copies of the system. Early in 1977, Joy put together the "Berkeley Software Distribution." This first distribution included the Pascal system, and, in an obscure subdirectory of the Pascal source, the editor ex. Over the next year, Joy, acting in the capacity of distribution secretary, sent out about thirty free copies of the system.

— Twenty Years of Berkeley Unix: From AT&T-Owned to Freely Redistributable by Marshall Kirk McKusic, from Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution, 1st Edition January 1999

18.03.2021, 23:28


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