Замена вывода на awk или sed

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как документация говорит

Deletion Options

These options affect how duplicate deletion takes place. Most of the time, you don’t need to enable any of them.

Link deleted files:

The deleted files are replaced by a link to the reference file. You have a choice of replacing it either with a symlink or a hardlink. ... a symlink is a shortcut to the file’s path. If the original file is deleted or moved, the link is broken. A hardlink is a link to the file itself. That link is as good as a “real” file. Only when all hardlinks to a file are deleted is the file itself deleted.

On OSX and Linux, this feature is supported fully, but under Windows, it’s a bit complicated. Windows XP doesn’t support it, but Vista and up support it. However, for the feature to work, dupeGuru has to run with administrative privileges.

13.06.2019, 16:35
2 ответа

Это выглядит как много усилий для чего-то очень тривиального. Вот простая команда sed, которая заменяет «пользователи» на «пользователь» в выводе uptime:

$ uptime | sed 's/users/user/'
 12:28:39 up 17:16,  7 user,  load average: 1.67, 1.41, 1.31
28.01.2020, 02:40

команда sed

uptime| sed '/users/s/users/user/g'

19 :10 :14 вверх 1 мин, 2 пользователя, средняя нагрузка :0,42, 0,19, 0,07


uptime| awk '/users/{gsub("users","user",$0);print $0}'
 19:11:19 up 2 min,  2 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.15, 0.06


import subprocess
import re

#print k
for i in k:
    print l
28.01.2020, 02:40


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