убить процессы в одной строке с помощью kill, awk, ps и grep

Python решение (протестировано на Python 3.5):

del_duplicates.py скрипт:

import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:      # reading the file (passed in via command line)
    lines = f.read().splitlines()      # split the file into list of lines
    for l in lines:                    # for each line
        items = l.split('\t')          # split line by tab `\t`
        for k,i in enumerate(items):   # processing fields
            if k > 0: items[k] = ','.join(set(i.split(',')))  # getting unique values via set object
        print('\t'.join(items))        # join separate fields back into straight line


python del_duplicates.py yourfile


1   B   C   D
2   A   B   E
01.07.2015, 00:31
0 ответов


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