Перетаскивание файлов в Linux Mint из виртуализированной Windows 7

Я попробовал принятый ответ, и он не сработал для RHEL7. OPTIONS+="last_rule" устарел.

SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_CDROM}=="1",TAG:="systemd"

Это нужно запускать после 70-uaccess.rules. Назовите его /etc/udev/rules.d/71-uaccess-remove.rules

07.02.2019, 22:12
1 ответ

Сделайте резервную копию ваших данных, затем отредактируйте /etc/apt/sources.list, удалив репозиторий testing.

Создать файл настроек:

editor /etc/apt/preferences

Затем пройдите следующие строки:

Package: *
Pin: release a=oldstable
Pin-Priority: 1001


Note that a priority above 1000 will allow even downgrades no matter the version of the prioritary package. This means that you can use priority 1001 for a stable source if you want to downgrade to the stable versions of the packages you have installed (let's say from testing) on the system. this is not recommended unless the number of changes are minimal.

Сохраните файл и запустите:

apt update
apt upgrade
apt dist-upgrade
apt autoremove

Аварийное понижение версии

Downgrading is not officially supported by the Debian by design. It should be done only as a part of emergency recovery process. Despite of this situation, it is known to work well in many incidents. For critical systems, you should backup all important data on the system after the recovery operation and re-install the new system from the scratch.

27.01.2020, 22:28


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