Разбор файлов в каталоге

Начиная с ядра 3.3 в нем реализовано то, что вам нужно.

Согласно PROC (5):

hidepid=n (since Linux 3.3)
              This option controls who can access the information  in  /proc/[pid]  directories.
              The argument, n, is one of the following values:

              0   Everybody may access all /proc/[pid] directories.  This is the traditional be‐
                  havior, and the default if this mount option is not specified.

              1   Users may not access files and subdirectories inside any /proc/[pid]  directo‐
                  ries  but  their  own (the /proc/[pid] directories themselves remain visible).
                  Sensitive files such as /proc/[pid]/cmdline  and  /proc/[pid]/status  are  now
                  protected  against other users.  This makes it impossible to learn whether any
                  user is running a specific program (so long as the program  doesn't  otherwise
                  reveal itself by its behavior).

              2   As  for mode 1, but in addition the /proc/[pid] directories belonging to other
                  users become invisible.  This means that /proc/[pid] entries can no longer  be
                  used  to  discover  the PIDs on the system.  This doesn't hide the fact that a
                  process with a specific PID value exists (it can be learned  by  other  means,
                  for  example,  by "kill -0 $PID"), but it hides a process's UID and GID, which
                  could otherwise be learned by employing stat(2) on  a  /proc/[pid]  directory.
                  This  greatly  complicates  an  attacker's task of gathering information about
                  running processes (e.g., discovering whether some daemon is running with  ele‐
                  vated  privileges,  whether  another  user  is running some sensitive program,
                  whether other users are running any program at all, and so on).

       gid=gid (since Linux 3.3)
              Specifies the ID of a group whose members are authorized to learn process informa‐
              tion  otherwise  prohibited by hidepid (i.e., users in this group behave as though
              /proc was mounted with hidepid=0).  This group  should  be  used  instead  of  ap‐
              proaches such as putting nonroot users into the sudoers(5) file.

Это полезно, потому что вы можете выбрать, кто может читать /proc/PID.

Так что, если вы хотите попробовать, не забудьте перемонтировать /proc в соответствии с вашими потребностями:

--практический случай:

: su -
root@foo:~# mount -o remount,hidepid=2 /proc
root@foo:~# exit
:ps aux
tntx          709  0.0  0.1  33980  8012 tty2      S   18:12   0:00 irssi
tntx          746  0.0  0.0   8868  3880 tty1     S    18:13   0:00 -ksh93

Так что теперь у меня нет возможности увидеть другой процесс, кроме моего через PS (1 )или lsof (8)

04.03.2021, 20:51
2 ответа

Один из подходов может заключаться в следующем. Сначала мы читаем файл fasta и создаем массив с ключом на имени гена. Значение, соответствующее этому ключу, представляет собой текущие n следующих строк, разделенных новой строкой.

Вывод сохраняется в соответствующих *файлах.txt.

awk -F '|' '
  # @the beginning of file, get its type
  FNR==1 {  inCsv = !(inFasta = FS == "|") }

  # get gene name n record next line number
  inFasta && /^>/ {
    t=$0; gene=$1
    gsub(/^.|[[:space:]]*$/, "", gene)
  # fill up the value for the current gene
  inFasta && NR==nxtln { a[gene] = t ORS $0 }

  # we are in CSV file
  # close previously open filehandle
  # open fresh file handle (match*.txt)
  # write to filehandle based on equality
  # of field1 and field3
  inCsv && NF>3 {
    if (FNR == 1) {
      outf = "match" ++k ".txt"
    print a[$($1==$3?4:3)] > outf

' file_B.fasta FS=, file*.txt
$ cat match1.txt
>gene88 | shahid | ahifehhuh
>gene67 | vdiic | behej
>gene95 | siis | ahifehhniniuh
18.03.2021, 22:27
awk '{if($1 == $3) {print $1,$2,$NF}else{if($1 == $NF){print $1,$2,$3}}}' filename


gene1 description1 gene88
gene56 description2 gene67
gene6 description3 gene95
18.03.2021, 22:27


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