Переменная, введенная в команду в сценарии оболочки, не работает

Используйте эту крошечную библиотеку с LD _PRELOAD:

   Copyright (C) 2000  Daniel Ryde

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   LD_PRELOAD library to make bind and connect to use a virtual
   IP address as localaddress. Specified via the enviroment
   variable BIND_ADDR.

   Compile on Linux with:
   gcc -nostartfiles -fpic -shared bind.c -o bind.so -ldl -D_GNU_SOURCE

   Example in bash to make inetd only listen to the localhost
   lo interface, thus disabling remote connections and only
   enable to/from localhost:

   BIND_ADDR="" LD_PRELOAD=./bind.so /sbin/inetd

   Example in bash to use your virtual IP as your outgoing
   sourceaddress for ircII:

   BIND_ADDR="your-virt-ip" LD_PRELOAD=./bind.so ircII

   Note that you have to set up your servers virtual IP first.

   This program was made by Daniel Ryde
   email: daniel@ryde.net
   web:   http://www.ryde.net/

   TODO: I would like to extend it to the accept calls too, like a
   general tcp-wrapper. Also like an junkbuster for web-banners.
   For libc5 you need to replace socklen_t with int.


int (*real_bind)(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t);
int (*real_connect)(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t);

char *bind_addr_env;
unsigned long int bind_addr_saddr;
unsigned long int inaddr_any_saddr;
struct sockaddr_in local_sockaddr_in[] = { 0 };

void _init (void)
    const char *err;

    real_bind = dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "bind");
    if ((err = dlerror ()) != NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "dlsym (bind): %s\n", err);

    real_connect = dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "connect");
    if ((err = dlerror ()) != NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "dlsym (connect): %s\n", err);

    inaddr_any_saddr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
    if (bind_addr_env = getenv ("BIND_ADDR")) {
        bind_addr_saddr = inet_addr (bind_addr_env);
        local_sockaddr_in->sin_family = AF_INET;
        local_sockaddr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = bind_addr_saddr;
        local_sockaddr_in->sin_port = htons (0);

int bind (int fd, const struct sockaddr *sk, socklen_t sl)
    static struct sockaddr_in *lsk_in;

    lsk_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)sk;
/*  printf("bind: %d %s:%d\n", fd, inet_ntoa (lsk_in->sin_addr.s_addr),
        ntohs (lsk_in->sin_port));*/
        if ((lsk_in->sin_family == AF_INET)
        && (lsk_in->sin_addr.s_addr == inaddr_any_saddr)
        && (bind_addr_env)) {
        lsk_in->sin_addr.s_addr = bind_addr_saddr;
    return real_bind (fd, sk, sl);

int connect (int fd, const struct sockaddr *sk, socklen_t sl)
    static struct sockaddr_in *rsk_in;

    rsk_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)sk;
/*  printf("connect: %d %s:%d\n", fd, inet_ntoa (rsk_in->sin_addr.s_addr),
        ntohs (rsk_in->sin_port));*/
        if ((rsk_in->sin_family == AF_INET)
        && (bind_addr_env)) {
        real_bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *)local_sockaddr_in, sizeof (struct sockaddr));
    return real_connect (fd, sk, sl);


25.12.2020, 15:30
1 ответ

Это не работает, потому что переменная заключена в одинарные кавычки. Оболочка не расширяет переменные в одинарных кавычках, и я предполагаю, что когда socat видит недопустимый IP-адрес, он использует

Передайте порт и ip в качестве аргументов командной строки в тело bash.

ip=$(< ip.txt)    # this is a bash builtin equivalent to $(cat ip.txt)
printf '%s\n' 80 443 | xargs -I% bash -c 'socat "TCP4-LISTEN:$1,fork" "TCP4:$2:$1" &' bash % "$ip"

Второй «bash» присваивается $0.

18.03.2021, 22:40


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