Каков правильный способ предоставления программе привилегий сетевого интерфейса без жесткого кодирования пароля sudo?

Вот два способа, которые работают в ubuntu focus&bionic (и, вероятно, в других местах ). у меня недостаточно представителей, чтобы прокомментировать, но bionic :/usr/share/initramfs -tools/init ищет /etc/fstab для /usr сразу после вызова mountroot и перед вызовом *-нижних сценариев, поэтому добавление нижнего сценария инициализации -(, как предлагается в другом ответе здесь ), «слишком поздно». вместо этого я рекомендую эти:

#!/bin/bash -f
#copyleft 2018 greg mott

#set a subdirectory as root (so multiple installs don't need partitions)
#these work in ubuntu bionic, might need tweaking to work elsewhere
#1st choice:  tweak initramfs-tools/scripts/local
#   pro:  $sub becomes root directly, nothing gets any chance to see the partition root
#   con:  requires the subdirectory's initramfs/initrd to be tweaked and rebuilt
#2nd choice:  specify this scriptfile as init= on the kernel commandline
#   pro:  no need to rebuild initramfs
#   con:  bin/bash in partition root must be executable by $sub/vmlinux (partition root older than $sub likely will work)
#   con:  if the partition root etc/fstab mounts /usr, the $sub initramfs will mount the partition root /usr
#   con:  additional initramfs scripts might also look in the partition root rather than $sub

#for either choice copy /etc/grub.d/40_custom to /etc/grub.d/07_custom and add one or more menuentries that specify subroot:
#menuentry "subroot foo" {
#     echo "subroot foo"
#              sub=/foo
#             uuid=22e7c84a-a416-43e9-ae9d-ee0119fc3894         #use your partition's uuid
#     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root $uuid
#            linux $sub/vmlinuz ro root=UUID=$uuid subroot=$sub
#     echo "initrd $sub/initrd.img"
#           initrd $sub/initrd.img      #works in recent releases where the /initrd.img softlink is relative

#for the 2nd choice, in addition to subroot= on the kernel commandline also specify:
#   init=/path/to/script        #pathname from partition root to this scriptfile (chmod 744)

#for the 1st choice, the tweak for bionic:/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local is replace:
#          mount ${roflag} ${FSTYPE:+-t ${FSTYPE} }${ROOTFLAGS} ${ROOT} ${rootmnt}
#          mountroot_status="$?"
#          set -x
#          karg=" $(cat<proc/cmdline) " m=${karg#* subroot=}
#          [ "$m" = "$karg" ]||subroot=${m%% *}                                  #extract subroot from kernel commandline
#          [ $subroot ]&&part=part||part=$rootmnt                                #no subroot, just mount partition as root
#          mkdir part
#          mount ${roflag} ${FSTYPE:+-t ${FSTYPE} }${ROOTFLAGS} ${ROOT} $part&&  #mount partition
#             if [ "$subroot" ]
#             then mount --bind part/$subroot $rootmnt&&                         #mount subroot
#                  umount part                       #&&sleep 15                 #unmount partition root (uncomment &&sleep for time to watch)
#             fi
#          mountroot_status="$?"
#          [ $mountroot_status = 0 ]||sleep 90                                   #if error pause to see it
#          set +x
#once you've edited /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local, update-initramfs -u will rebuild for the current kernel,
#and it will automatically build into every new initrd/initramfs installed thereafter

subroot(){ karg=" $(cat<proc/cmdline) " m=${karg#* subroot=}
           [ "$m" = "$karg" ]||subroot=${m%% *}                 #extract subroot from kernel commandline
           [ $subroot ]||return 0                               #no subroot, just proceed in partition root
           while read -r m r m
           do for m in $M x                                     #build list of what's already mounted
              do    [[ $r = $m* ]]&&break                       #exclude subtrees (eg dev/**)
              done||[[ $r = /   ]]||M=$M\ $r                    #exclude /
           (set -x;mount --bind $subroot mnt)||{ set -x         #mount subroot
                                                 sleep 30          #if not found pause to see error
                                                 return 0;}        #then reincarnate as partition root init
           for m in $M
           do (set -x;mount -n --move $m mnt$m)||return         #move listed mounts to subroot
           set -x
           cd           mnt&&
           pivot_root. mnt&&                                   #subroot becomes root
           umount -l    mnt&&                                   #unmount partition root
          #sleep 15        &&                                   #so far so good?  uncomment for time to look
           exec chroot. init "$@"                              #reincarnate as subroot init
subroot "$@"&&exec init "$@"||exec bash                         #land in a shell if moves or pivot fail
27.04.2020, 11:43
1 ответ

Команда setcap помогла:

sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin,cap_net_bind_service+eip <binaryFile>
19.03.2021, 02:25


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