Как ОС распознает файловую систему? Какова роль ОС в файловых системах? [закрыто]

No puede interpolar dentro de comillas simples.

Puede poner la cadena entre comillas dobles y luego escapar de las comillas dobles literales:

COMMENT="A random comment"
TEXT_JSON="{\"person\" : \"Jim\",\"comment\" : \"$COMMENT\"}"
echo $TEXT_JSON | jq.
  "person": "Jim",  
  "comment": "A random comment"  

O, alternativamente, puede mantener las comillas simples para no tener que escapar nada, pero termine las comillas simples antes de la variable, luego use comillas dobles para la variable, luego comillas simples para la última parte de la cadena:

TEXT_JSON='{"person" : "Jim","comment" : "'"$COMMENT"'"}'
19.06.2019, 11:04
1 ответ

На этот вопрос уже дан ответ на superuser.com от sysadmin1138:

The filesystem itself, represented by the physical order of information on a storage-representation, is independent of the OS. The OS contains a driver that allows it to work with the filesystem. Some filesystems may only have one OS that can talk to it, and that OS has that filesystem hardcoded into it (think Novell NetWare's original filesystem); but that doesn't stop some enterprising person from writing such a driver for another OS just because.

28.01.2020, 05:09


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