проверить несколько серверов по ssh-ключу [закрыто]

Su servicio está escuchando solo en la dirección de loopback,

Cuando realiza una conexión desde cuando especifica la dirección ip, no funciona, ya que su servicio no está escuchando en ese ip.

Cuando usa hostnamedesde, funciona porque se conecta a la dirección de bucle invertido. Esto se debe a que primero buscará en su archivo de hosts, /etc/hosts, que tiene una entrada que apunta hostnamea su bucle invertidoip: master1.mycluster

20.07.2019, 14:08
2 ответа

Примерно так:

# I assume "logfile" is the log file. If you just want the last run 
# in the log fil, use date> logfile.
# It is always a good idea to get a time stamp in this kind of logs.
date >> logfile 

# The read takes the input from servers.txt, which is done at the
# bottom using `done < servers.txt`.
# Some people like to do `cat servers.txt | while read -r hostname ; do`
# but they get negative comments on stackexchange :-)
while read -r hostname ; do

    # Test if the host is up with a simple ping
    # Throw away all output.
    if ping -c1 "$hostname"  > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then

        # We now test if a host is up with a simple command, echo.
        # with -o PasswordAuthentication=no, we make sure that password
        # authentication is not used. Output the result to the logfile.
        if ssh  -o PasswordAuthentication=no "$hostname" echo ' '; then
            echo "OK - $hostname" >>logfile
            echo "AArrrghhh $hostname" >> logfile
        # I assumed you want some idea of how many servers are skipped.
        echo "skipped $hostname" >> logfile
done < servers.txt

Это быстрая запись, и, вероятно, потребуется некоторая настройка. Комментарии должны дать вам несколько советов о том, что проверить.

28.01.2020, 03:26

Это прекрасно :-)Я внес в него некоторые изменения;-)

Конвертировать private.ppk в private.pem:

$ apt install putty-tools
$ puttygen private.ppk -O private-openssh -o private.pem
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add priv_key.pem

И скрипт будет работать идеально


root@Pi-3Plus:~# cat output.log
Sat 20 Jul 20:37:51 EEST 2019
SSH-Key Refused -
No route to
SSH-Key Accepted -
No route to
SSH-Key Refused -
SSH-Key Refused -
No route to
SSH-Key Accepted -

Добавление модификаций кода ниже.

# I assume "logfile" is the log file. If you just want the last run
# in the log fill, use date> logfile.
# It is always a good idea to get a time stamp in this kind of logs.
date >> output.log

# The read takes the input from servers.txt, which is done at the
# bottom using `done < servers.txt`.
# Some people like to do `cat servers.txt | while read -r hostname ; do`
# but they get negative comments on stackexchange :-)
while read -r hostname ; do

    # Test if the host is up with a simple ping
    # Throw away all output.
    if ping -c1 "$hostname"  > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then

        # We now test if a host is up with a simple command, echo.
        # with -o PasswordAuthentication=no, we make sure that password
        # authentication is not used. Output the result to the logfile.
        if ssh -l ADDUSERHERE -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -n "$hostname" echo ''; then
        echo "SSH-Key Accepted - $hostname" >>output.log
        echo "SSH-Key Refused - $hostname" >> output.log
    # I assumed you want some idea of how many servers are skipped.
    echo "No route to $hostname" >> output.log
done < servers.txt
28.01.2020, 03:26


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