резервное копирование — могу ли я использовать git для резервного копирования /etc? [дубликат]

Probablemente nunca; parece que la próxima versión de OpenJDK en la que trabajarán los porteadores de FreeBSD es la versión 11 , la próxima versión con soporte a largo plazo -.

Por supuesto, como menciona Kusalananda en su comentario, ¡no hay nada que le impida migrar OpenJDK 9 a FreeBSD!

27.06.2019, 05:22
2 ответа

Вы видели etckeeper?

etckeeper is a collection of tools to let /etc be stored in a git, mercurial, bazaar or darcs repository. This lets you use git to review or revert changes that were made to /etc. Or even push the repository elsewhere for backups or cherry-picking configuration changes. It hooks into package managers like apt to automatically commit changes made to /etc during package upgrades. It tracks file metadata that git does not normally support, but that is important for /etc, such as the permissions of /etc/shadow. It's quite modular and configurable, while also being simple to use if you understand the basics of working with version control.


27.01.2020, 23:30

Сам по себе Git не будет записывать метаданные, такие как разрешения, необходимые для правильного резервного копирования /etc.

27.01.2020, 23:30


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