Время переключения рабочего пространства Linux Mint

Вот окончательный сценарий.

Обновите $ PASSW, затем скопируйте и вставьте его в свой Терминал

# <sshpass> via typinator
# Updated: 2017-01-18_21h36
# apt-get update -y; apt-get install expect -qy

# Pass this value to ssh-add

# Define a name for this script
THIS_SCRIPT="$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%N)".sh

# Create a fresh directory to work from / Clean up
rm -rf ~/temp; mkdir -p ~/temp; cd ~/temp; ls -la

# Output our bash script file - BEGIN
cat <<< '

set -u     # Stop if an unbound variable is referenced
set -e     # Stop on first error
export HISTIGNORE="expect*";

# Normal CMDs
echo && echo "The process should take about 10 seconds:" && echo
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"; sleep 0.5;

# Define VAR passed when this bash-script was launched

# Launch the expect magic
expect -c "
    spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa
    expect "?assword:"
    send \"$password\r\"
    expect "?password:"
    send \"$password\r\"
    expect eof"

export HISTIGNORE="";
export password="";
# Output our bash script file - END

# Ensure we are in the right path
cd ~/temp; ls -la; sleep 1;

# Run the bash script
chmod +x ./$THIS_SCRIPT; ./$THIS_SCRIPT "$PASSW"; unset password;

# Clean up
rm -rf ~/temp; mkdir -p ~/temp; cd ~/temp; ls -la
02.12.2015, 10:58
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