TMUX: переключатели окна и панели с одним ключом

Поместите pid, ppid в массив. Рекурсивная функция или циклы для прохождения по массиву, печатая только нужные записи pid и ppid.

31.10.2018, 10:40
1 ответ


У меня есть нечто подобное в моем ~/.tmux.confфайле:

bind -n C-h select-pane -L

Карты <Ctrl>-hдля выбора панели слева.

Ручная ссылка для аргумента -n

bind-key [-nr] [-T key-table] key command [arguments]
    (alias: bind)
Bind key key to command.  Keys are bound in a key table.  By default (without -T), the key is
bound in the prefix key table.  This table is used for keys pressed after the prefix key (for
example, by default `c' is bound to new-window in the prefix table, so `C-b c' creates a new
window).  The root table is used for keys pressed without the prefix key: binding `c' to
new-window in the root table (not recommended) means a plain `c' will create a new window.
-n is an alias for -T root.  Keys may also be bound in custom key tables and the
switch-client -T command used to switch to them from a key binding.  The -r flag indicates
this key may repeat, see the repeat-time option.

To view the default bindings and possible commands, see the list-keys command.
28.01.2020, 02:41


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