сравнить переменную со строкой bash

Just a little thing I'd like to add. The command above worked perfectly for me, but it couldn't see my name of the partition and wouldn't mount with Disk Utility, so I had to mount the drive in Terminal first: (my disk is disk0s3)

diskutil mount /dev/disk0s3

(in case someone else runs into the same thing I did, just always remember to check which partition is yours)

and TADA, my partition popped up with correct name and all.

I am still on Snow Leopard, btw, and everyting is in order now. You've made my day! You helped me so, so much! Thank you!

04.04.2018, 19:43
2 ответа

Вы должны заменить "failed"на "\"failed\"". Должно быть:

while read status name date; do
    case "$status" in
            echo -1
            echo -1
            echo 0
        *) echo 0
    exit 0

Также рассмотрите возможность использованияread with -r.

Есть и более простой способ сделать то, что вы хотите:

if [ "$(cut -d ' ' -f1 st.txt)" = "\"failed\"" ]
    printf -- "-1\n"
27.01.2020, 23:44

Другим решением является добавление одинарных кавычек вокруг -строк в двойных кавычках:

while read status name date; do
    case "$status" in
             echo -1
             echo -1
             echo 0
             echo 0
    exit 0
done < st.txt
27.01.2020, 23:44


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