Как использовать параметр par2 для имитации четности массивов RAID?

Это примерно так?

$ cd ~

# adate for./Pictures/
$ stat -c %x./Pictures/
2018-05-18 11:08:44.326743397 -0400

# adate for./Music/
$ stat -c %x./Music/
2018-05-18 11:08:44.325743396 -0400

# Change das adate for./Music/:
$ ls -la./Music/
drwxr-xr-x. 2  leeand00 leeand00     6 May 18 2018 .
drwx------. 24 leeand00 leeand00  4096 Dec 11 09:54.. 

# Read the adate for./Music/ to see that it changed:
$ stat -c %x./Music/
2018-12-19 23:35:04.789892164 -0500

# Read the adate from./Pictures/ to see that it did not change:
$ stat -c %x./Pictures/
2018-05-18 11:08:44.326743397 -0400

# Don't re-invent the wheel:
# `-type d` (look for folders only)
# `-maxdepth 1` (Only look inside this directory for folders, 
#                don't descend lower than that)
# `-amin -300` ()
$ find. -maxdepth 1 -type d -amin -300
10.03.2021, 14:48
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